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Lauren Boebert is Destroying Colorado and undermining American Democracy.

We're a Political Action Committee and a group of hardworking Coloradans, proud Americans, and Democrats who still believe in fairness and honesty.

Our goal is simple: to help unseat Lauren Boebert.

It's time to end her botched political career and stop her from dividing our country any further. 

Are you with us?

Defeat Boebert Pac Logo Mark

We're here to tell the truth.

We'll tell you all about how Boebert's hurting our communities when you join us. We've come together from all walks of life, united in the fight to protect our freedoms and stand up for what's right.

We'll be honest about our intentions:

Your dollars go toward voter outreach, digital and physical ad campaigns, and efforts to ensure every CO-4 voter knows to VOTE NO on Lauren Boebert.

She's let us down time and time again, and it's time to hold her accountable.

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H.R. 446: Protecting Seniors from Emergency Scams Act,
HR 2062 - Protecting Older Workers Against Discrimination Act of 2021

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H.R.8296 - Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022
H.R.8297 - Ensuring Access to Abortion Act of 2022
H.R.3755 - Women's Health Protection Act of 2021

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H.R.2773 - Recovering America’s Wildlife Act of 2021
H.R.263 - Big Cat Public Safety Act
H.R.2560 - Sea Turtle Rescue Assistance and Rehabilitation Act of 2023

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H.R. 7024 - Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024 

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H.R. 6090 - Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023

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